Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy
Energy of the DayImproved ComfortMarch 13Spirituality

March 13

March 13, the Day of Improved Comfort, is a day to realize that long term anger and rage live in the liver. Hatred may be added to this toxic mix. A resistance to change can be very damaging to your health. The mantras for today are:

  • My mind is cleansed and free.
  • I leave the past and move into the new.
  • All is well.
March 13 Affirmation Banner

If this is your birthday, or if you resonate with today’s energies, then you make a contribution toward improving the quality of life around you. Such improvements may be of a conceptual, inventive nature or of a distinctly hedonistic variety. In either case, the physical well-being of those close to you is likely to not only be looked after but improved. The key concept for March 13 people is improvement, for they believe that things are never really as comfortable or efficient as they could be.

Try to pay more mind to what people really want, not just to what they appear to need. Allow others more privacy. Observe your ideals and principles but don’t impose them on family or friends.

number four
It is time to keep moving forward
as you strive to achieve your hopes
and dreams - because despite your
current challenges, success is well
within your reach.

You are never given more than you
can handle, and you have the
strength and ability to make it
through... so face your challenges
head-on with determination, 
courage, and faith.

With perseverance and faith you
can make your dreams come true.
Today, make yourself a cup of hot 
chocolate and sip it slowly. Allow 
the warmth and sweetness to nourish 
your body and soul. 

What is called for now is to step
back and take your focus off of 
your life and your troubles. You'll
be surprised by how things sort
themselves out once you've 
replenished your energy by means
of a much needed rest and time-out.

What does this nourishment mean to 

How can you nourish and nurture 
yourself more?
Write It Down and
Speak It Into Existence
Get some paper and a pen, put your 
feet up and allow your creativity 
to flow. Write down ten nourishing 
things you can do for yourself in 
the next week, and do them.

Say, "Divine Intelligence, please 
awaken the sweetness and soulfulness 
inside me so I can truly nourish and 
love myself."
justice tarot

Healing With the Color Green

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is 
Justice, a serene seated woman holding 
the scales in one hand and a sword in 
the other. She reminds us of the order 
of the universe and that balance and 
harmony will be maintained in our 
lives as long as we continue on our 

The positive aspects of this energy 
are integrity, fairness, honesty and 
Meditate on the Bible Books of Micah 
and Isaiah. Scriptures:

“Learn to do good; seek justice, 
correct oppression; bring justice to 
the fatherless, and please the 
widow’s cause,” 
(Isaiah 1:17)

“He has told you, O man, what is good; 
and what does the Lord require of you 
but to do justice, and to love 
kindness, and to walk humbly with your 
(Micah 6:8).
The energies of the Justice tarot card 
manifest in Cannabis.

The personal is political. Clarity 
and understanding are necessary 
before making a decision. Until the 
1900's, seventy-five percent of the 
world's paper was made from hemp. 

A campaign targeting people of color 
criminalized marijuana use and shifted 
popular opinion, leading to the 
perception of cannabis as a dangerous 
drug. The loss of a valued remedy for 
pain and mental illness, as well as a 
sustainable source of clothing and 
paper, is minor compared to the 
continued impact the campaign has on 
people of color. 

The recent legalization of marijuana 
further complicates the issue. The 
unfolding story of cannabis teaches 
about imbalances of power. When life 
asks for your ruling, arm yourself 
with information from all sides. 
Stand on the side of truth and fight 
for what is right.

The god of the Bible, mainly of the Old Testament, is the first sinner and an enslaver. His sin is declaring himself the Most High God who is in need of worship. He is a god spark like the rest of us)

He is a deceiver. In reality all mankind is god for we all are god sparks, meaning we are parts of the One who is more than a God. This is the Divinity within us. We have to go within to know this Divinity

The true all encompassing One does not need worship. Requiring worship from mankind, the god spark of the One, is insanity. What is required from all god sparks is accurate knowledge.

The truly Highest One is more than a god. The One is male/female mind, a light body that cannot fully be physically embodied. Therefore the One could not walk about in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 8: 8-10

8 “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

9 But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”

10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

The scripture at Psalm 82:1 says, “They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. “I said, `You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.” We are easily misled because of our ignorance of our divinity.

A man and a woman are human beings before they incarnate on the earth. Your body does not make you human. You are a human, a god, when you animate the body you will be born with.

A human being is a god being in a corruptible body.

The god of the Bible says, I Am, That I Am. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14. But, this is not unusual so are the rest of us. 

The god of the Bible is delusional in that he would need to have others worship him. The One, the Divine which all light beings have within them, does not need our worship. The all Encompassing One is not lacking anything. Nor does the Divine need to punish us for being ignorant.

Being ignorant is what the god of the Bible needs of us because otherwise he cannot bully us. Therefore having knowledge of who we are, to this god, is a sin. As proven by what happened in the story of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, which this imposter says is the first sin. The greatest sin to this god is that you know you are also a god.

The way to acknowledge the god spark within is to understand that we all are, I Am, That I Am, and come into the sanity of reality. Affirmations and meditations are a crucial way to acknowledge and connect with our own god spark, our divinity.

Boss Jesus


Choose an affirmation and repeat several times daily, or during meditation.

  • I can turn any situation around by choosing to alter my perception.
  • My perception is what creates my experiences, and I choose positive perceptions and experiences.
  • I understand and accept differing perceptions.


Think of a specific situation or a person that could elicit a variety of different opinions or perceptions. Note down your perceptions and opinions, then note down other people’s perceptions and opinions. Now note down the facts about the situation or person. How many of the perceptions are based on fact? Notice how easy it is to form assumptions based on your own conditioning. Make an effort to be more aware and accepting of different perceptions and to not let judgement get in the way of fair treatment.

Third Eye Chakra: Church of Philadelphia

Church of Philadelphia: 
Revelation 3:7-13

The Third Eye Chakra healing center 
is between the brows.
Sit in a comfortable position that 
will allow you to remain alert and 
then focus your concentration on 
this exercise. Close your eyes and 
prepare for the meditation.

Think of a deep indigo blue light in 
your third eye area.

As you bring yourself into the 
present moment, check the mind and 
body for things you have carried 
throughout the day - perhaps things 
that have been going on recently or 
thoughts from the events of the day.

Whatever the thoughts and feelings 
are, simply acknowledge them and 
allow them to be, without any 
analysis or judgement.

Bring awareness to your breathing. 
Just breathe naturally and normally, 
without trying to control it; being 
mindful of the breath rising and 
falling as you inhale and exhale. As 
you breathe in focus on breathing in 
and then as you breathe out, focus on 
breathing out. Simply concentrate on 
the breath, breathing in and breathing 

Now gently shift your focus from the 
breath and bring it to sensations on 
the body. Observe and acknowledge the 
myriad of sensations flowing through 
the body as they change with each 
If you find areas of tightness and 
tension with your body check try to 
allow them to soften and relax.
For the next 10 days, spend a few 
minutes each day making a gratitude 
list. Do not look at the previous day's 
list when you begin each day. At the end 
of 10 days, read all the lists. Notice 
what keeps coming up. Are you on your 


Alchemist Iris

Alchemist Iris is a minister, Reiki master, and hypnotherapist who has studied the Bible for many years with many differing opinions in many churches. She is also a researcher who is interested in people and how the Bible can best be used to help people to be spiritually the best versions of themselves. Her interest in fashion and interior design are also useful in helping others present to the world the vision that best defines them.

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