Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy

Meditation on The Number Four


The Number Four equals your fourfold nature: physical, spiritual, intellectual and emotional. The Number Four is often associated with the color warm brown. Warm brown or chocolate is a mixture of brown and black that links us to the Earth. It provides healthy boundaries and encourages structure. It accesses your shadow side to offer deeper insights and growth. Warm brown provides you with nourishment and resilience.

number four
It is time to keep moving forward
as you strive to achieve your hopes
and dreams - because despite your
current challenges, success is well
within your reach.

You are never given more than you
can handle, and you have the
strength and ability to make it
through... so face your challenges
head-on with determination, 
courage, and faith.

With perseverance and faith you
can make your dreams come true.
Today, make yourself a cup of hot 
chocolate and sip it slowly. Allow 
the warmth and sweetness to nourish 
your body and soul. 

What is called for now is to step
back and take your focus off of 
your life and your troubles. You'll
be surprised by how things sort
themselves out once you've 
replenished your energy by means
of a much needed rest and time-out.

What does this nourishment mean to 

How can you nourish and nurture 
yourself more?
Write It Down and
Speak It Into Existence
Get some paper and a pen, put your 
feet up and allow your creativity 
to flow. Write down ten nourishing 
things you can do for yourself in 
the next week, and do them.

Say, "Divine Intelligence, please 
awaken the sweetness and soulfulness 
inside me so I can truly nourish and 
love myself."


The Number Four energy indicates a time to keep moving forward as you strive to achieve your hopes and dreams - because despite your current challenges, success is well within your reach. You are never given more than you can handle and you have the strength and ability to make it though.

So face your challenges head - on with determination, courage, and faith. With perseverance and persistence you can make your dreams come true,

The Number Four energies encourage  you to cultivate mental resilience and stability. A calm and stable mind creates a calm and stable life. 

Make yourself aware of the negative thoughts and beliefs that are currently influencing you. Muster op the strength to develop a positive state of mind.

In order to improve your current situation, you are nudged to adjust to and harmonize with the natural rhythm and cycles of your life - cycles that are encouraging you to persevere through your obstacles and challenges. Call on heavenly assistance when you need it. Have faith in your ability to create an exceptional life.
With perseverance and persistence I create an exceptional life.
number four

Meditation: Boundaries and Claiming Your Space

Number Four Energy

Whenever you are feeling disconnected or apart from everyone, everything – bring attention to your feet. This is a grounding practice that helps engage the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for calming the body and mind.

Consider how you are going to remind yourself of your feet throughout the day. You can put a sticky note on your computer, set a reminder on your phone, or use one of the other awareness triggers you may have discovered.

Where Are My Feet?

If you use a reminder, or sticky note, write the simple question, “Where are my feet?” During the day bring your awareness to your feet. Feel how they are resting. Scan the foot from the heel, to the arch, ball, toe and top of each foot.

Take a few deep breaths as you continue to pay attention to your feet. Grow roots from your feet down into the ground till you hit an underground spring of fresh, refreshing, nourishing, healing water and with your inhale draw those waters up into your body. With each exhale allow your feet to relax. Do this meditation exercise as often as needed.

Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace

Steve Goodier


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