The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy
Dark Night of the SoulHealthSoulSpirituality

Dark Night of the Soul

You may have heard of people going through the dark night of the soul. No doubt, you have questions

Surviving the Dark Night of the Soul:


Health of the Soul

Firstly, what may bring on an experience like that? You are a part of nature and when this connection is abused there will eventually be a “dark night of the soul”. Again, you are a part of nature and have a sacred role to preserve and protect the Earth Mother. Whether you are conscious of this or not, it is ironically in your actions (which is masculine) that determine your soul’s health.

What is Mother Earth’s Connection to My Soul?

Awake at Soul Level

Why does Mother Earth have a connection in the health of my soul? There is an innate instinct in your soul to seek an emotional connection with the natural world for pleasure and healing. When this connection is denied, which is the basis for all environmental abuse, the result is great suffering.

The more soul you have, the more your personal identity becomes intertwined with nature and the greater the devastation you will feel in the face of environmental degradation. This is not being overly sensitive. This is being awake at a soul level.

It has been proven that people who have been through terribly traumatic experiences have been able to balance out and heal through immersive time in nature. Planting, nurturing and growing things from the soil. It is a symbiotic growing and healing period that benefits all.

dark night of the soul

What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

dark night of the soul

Denial of the Feminine

The dark night of the soul is an unending denial of the feminine within yourself. This does not have anything to do with whether you are in a male or female body. Disconnection from the Divine Feminine harms humanity in ways that eventually lead us to psychological pain and physical disease.

Perfectionism, impatience, thinking about what we can get, instead of what we can give, all these erode self-esteem and emotional fulfillment. They distort what is meant to be sacred sexuality into a performance, a perpetuation of emotional wounding and abuse, which drains our creative power and prevents us from being able to feel deeply for our truths.

Then we end up feeling confused, anxious, and uncertain about our future. These are signs that we need to heal and strengthen our connection to the natural world, to restore our connection to the Sacred Feminine. God can help us reconnect to the Divine Feminine, rather than dismiss, exploit and use her. Loving our Mother and feeling respect and reverence for her will restore our vitality and energy and help us gain a sense of wellbeing.

You intuitively over-stand the need for this sort of relationship to the Earth, and you must remember to cultivate your connection so as to grow peace in your soul.

Your Destiny

It is part of your destiny to read the wisdom of the ancient lineages from which you have evolved – from those ancestors who lived in a world very different to ours, who knew how to sustain themselves in harmony with the natural world over long periods of time, and who can help us remember that life requires a sustainable relationship with the Earth Mother.

You can intuitively get this wisdom through intentional meditation.

Allow Earth Mother and your own courage and intelligence to empower you on your path, to support you in speaking your truths, especially when they go against the grain. For is that not what creation is all about, opening up to something new? re-earthing yourself?

Meditation For Re-Earthing


Choose an affirmation and repeat it several times daily, or during meditation.

  • I will live a life not just to survive, but to thrive.
  • Thriving is my natural state of being.
  • When I surround myself with positive people and experiences, I thrive.
  • I will find time to immerse myself in nature for continued re-earthing healthful experiences.


Re-earthing is a sacred practice to help you plug into the consciousness of Earth in a truly grounded, healing and nurturing way. In this way, you both receive from her and become more able to give to her, through your increasing attainment of life’s work and personal wellbeing.

To re-earth yourself, spend a little time each day in physical contact with the earth. Physical touch – barefoot or with hands in dirt and grass or on the trunk of a tree – is sufficient for the process.

A beautiful addition to this healing process is to say a simple prayer or statement to the earth at the beginning and end of your re-earthing practice. It might be, “I love you,” at the start, and “Thank you,” at the end. Or it could be a deeper and more personal conversation about gratitude, hope, trust and about the wise use of your creative power or your concerns about the world.

You might ask for her assistance and guidance so that you can honor the Divine Feminine in the best way possible, according to your talents and abilities. The more you do this practice, the more love and devotion will arise and the stronger and more conscious your connection with the Earth Mother will be, and the more empowered you will become to fulfill your destiny. Don’t be afraid to lean on her, to need her and to let her help you help yourself and the world at large.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

Maya Angelou

Alchemist Iris

Alchemist Iris is a minister, Reiki master, and hypnotherapist who has studied the Bible for many years with many differing opinions in many churches. She is also a researcher who is interested in people and how the Bible can best be used to help people to be spiritually the best versions of themselves. Her interest in fashion and interior design are also useful in helping others present to the world the vision that best defines them.

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