Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy
August 3CommemoratorEnergy of the DaySpiritual

August 3

August 3, Day of the Commemorator, is the day to stop hiding yourself from life. Trust yourself to be there for yourself and to be well able to take care of yourself with the Divine’s (God, the Universe) help. Mantras for today are:

  • I relax completely for I now know I am safe
  • I trust Life and I trust myself
August 3 Affirmation Banner

If this is your birthday, or if you resonate with today’s energies, then this message is for you. Many born on this day think of themselves as upholders of the rights of the common man/woman. True companions of the strangest and most wayward individuals, they themselves may just as likely be of conservative appearance and habits. The people of August 3 energy are born chroniclers, diaristas and commemorators of events and tradition.

Many August 3 people seem archly cynical. Yet on closer examination, one finds that their cynicism is a facade set up to hide a marked sensitivity; thus they build a protective shell around themselves. From inside their fort they survey the world around them, missing very little of what goes on.

Try to enter more wholeheartedly into the social life around you; take part, rather than only observing. Don’t be afraid to let others see into your inner life – avoid adopting a double standard concerning observation and privacy. Don’t give up on your efforts to be recognized.

Reconnect with your creative side to improve your quality of life and align yourself with Source. Be encouraged to step out of your practical, logical mind and the seriousness of life in order to partake in lighthearted endeavors that are stimulating and fun.

Playful creative expression is important because it raises your vibrations which brings you closer to your dreams.

This is a time to immerse yourself in any creative endeavor that lifts your spirits and makes you feel good. It might take the form of playing a musical instrument., painting, writing, cooking, jewelry making, decorating, sewing, photography, landscaping, dancing or designing – it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it brings you joy.

Through playfulness creative expression, you can heal disharmony in your body… and disharmony in your life.

number three
Become aware of any tension in your body. 
Take in a deep breath and allow your 
body to soften. Focus on letting go of 
any hardness or destiny.

Close your eyes and imagine you are 
holding the most beautiful Pink flower. 
Breathe in its sweet scent, inviting its 
beauty and delicateness to open your 
heart. Then imagine Pink light from the 
flower flowing into your heart and 
filling it up with unconditional love.

Now, think of someone you love. Allow the 
love you feel to pour from your heart 
into his or hers. It may even be for
mankind in general or the earth - 
some other cause.

Savor that feeling of love and 

Say, "Divine Love, pour your healing light 
into my heart, softening it, purifying it 
and rejuvenating it so that it is shiny, 
loving and full of enthusiasm.

August 3 and the Empress

spiritual nurturing support

Healing With the Color Burgundy: Video

The Empress Tarot energy can represent 
immutability and resistance to change, 
but also creative intelligence and 
comprehension. She is the perfect 
feminine energy, the ultra feminine. 
Mother Earth nurturer, who is dreams 
made real, hopes and aspirations embodied. 
Her steadfast qualities serve as a 
positive metaphor for May 30 people. 
Traditionally the Empress possesses supreme 
wisdom and radiates strength, grace and 
Book of Esther
The Rose embodies The Empress energy.

Healing the heart heals the world. 
Learn to be vulnerable yet strong like 
the delicate petals of the rose protected 
by thorns. Roses uplift the spirit and 
inspire love. Embody sensuality in bold, 
vibrant ways. 

Let creativity and abundance flourish around 
and within you. Wild roses are prolific, 
creating food, medicine, and shelter for 
all who encounter them. As all parts of the 
rose contain medicine, every stage of your 
life finds passionate expression. Create, 
make love, work, play: it is a fertile, 
generative time.

The god of the Bible, mainly of the Old Testament, is the first sinner and an enslaver. His sin is declaring himself the Most High God who is in need of worship. He is a god spark like the rest of us)

He is a deceiver. In reality all mankind is god for we all are god sparks, meaning we are parts of the One who is more than a God. This is the Divinity within us. We have to go within to know this Divinity

The true all encompassing One does not need worship. Requiring worship from mankind, the god spark of the One, is insanity. What is required from all god sparks is accurate knowledge.

The truly Highest One is more than a god. The One is male/female mind, a light body that cannot fully be physically embodied. Therefore the One could not walk about in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 8: 8-10

8 “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

9 But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”

10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

The scripture at Psalm 82:1 says, “They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. “I said, `You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.” We are easily misled because of our ignorance of our divinity.

A man and a woman are human beings before they incarnate on the earth. Your body does not make you human. You are a human, a god, when you animate the body you will be born with.

A human being is a god being in a corruptible body.

The god of the Bible says, I Am, That I Am. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14. But, this is not unusual so are the rest of us. 

The god of the Bible is delusional in that he would need to have others worship him. The One, the Divine which all light beings have within them, does not need our worship. The all Encompassing One is not lacking anything. Nor does the Divine need to punish us for being ignorant.

Being ignorant is what the god of the Bible needs of us because otherwise he cannot bully us. Therefore having knowledge of who we are, to this god, is a sin. As proven by what happened in the story of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, which this imposter says is the first sin. The greatest sin to this god is that you know you are also a god.

The way to acknowledge the god spark within is to understand that we all are, I Am, That I Am, and come into the sanity of reality. Affirmations and meditations are a crucial way to acknowledge and connect with our own god spark, our divinity.

Boss Jesus


Choose an affirmation and repeat several times daily, or during meditation.

  • When enjoying the journey, the destination doesn’t matter.
  • I am enjoying and making the most of the adventurous journey of life.
  • I trust in my unique journey to lead me on the right path.


Make a list of milestones or significant moments that have occured in your life journey, like a timeline. Focus on the positive, though if any were challenging, focus on something positive that resulted from it.


List future milestones you look forward to on your continuing life journey. For example:

  • having a baby
  • graduating
  • taking a vacation

Sacral Chakra: Church of Smyrna

Church of Smyrna: Revelation 2:8-11
Mini Meditation: Focus on 
lower abdomen, pelvis area
Sit in a comfortable position that will 
allow you to remain alert and then 
focus your concentration on this 
exercise. Close your eyes and prepare 
for the meditation. Feel the muscles in 
your body softening and relaxing.

Think of a bright orange light in your
sacral chakra area.
Bring your awareness to your breathing 
until you feel calm and relaxed. 
Imagine a large book in front of you,  
radiating light. It contains
unlimited insight and ideas to
help you in all areas of your life

Think of a question or issue of
significance to you, and
imagine how you will feel when you
gain clarity about it. Focus on
those feelings. Ask the book your
question, or for general insight,
and wait for it to flip open to
a page by itself. In your mind's 
eye, look at the page. What do
you see? An image? Words? Or do
you get a feeling? Thank the
book for its help and slowly
open your eyes.


Alchemist Iris

Alchemist Iris is a minister, Reiki master, and hypnotherapist who has studied the Bible for many years with many differing opinions in many churches. She is also a researcher who is interested in people and how the Bible can best be used to help people to be spiritually the best versions of themselves. Her interest in fashion and interior design are also useful in helping others present to the world the vision that best defines them.

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