Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy
Cool QuipEnergy of the DayMarch 16Spirituality

March 16

March 16, the Day of the Cool Quip, is a day to gauge if you are in perfect balance, mentally, spiritually and physically. Mantras for today are:

  • Hip, Hip Hooray – there is joy in every day.
  • I am balanced and free.

If this is your birthday, or if you resonate with today’s energies, then you are quick witted and usually masters of the short, ironic and sometimes devastating comment. You have what it takes to make people laugh, but also the capacity to make them think. Abbreviators, you take what others might need an hour to say, roll it into an attractive little clever remark and simply come across with it for all to hear.

Lovers of jokes and stories, tellers of sometimes tall tales, and not above practical joking, March 16 people bring their witty outlook to bear on every aspect of life around them. None of this is meant to suggest that March 16 people are somewhat superficial. Humor, eloquence and acerbic comments are but a means of expression. It is true that those born on this day do not specialize in taking themselves (or life in general) too seriously, but this in no way reflects on their work. It is more indicative of a philosophical outlook.

Direct your energy into positive endeavors. Be sensitive to what others are feeling and weigh your words before speaking. Slow down a bit. Silence often says more than speech.

The energies of the Number Seven indicate
a time of significant growth and 
improvement. These energies will encourage 
you to be the best version of yourself. This 
is a time to ask yourself:

Who am I?

What do I want from my life?

What is preventing me from achieving it?

When you ask yourself these questions, 
observe whatever comes up. Then acknowledge 
your mental and physical limitations, 
set realistic goals for overcoming them 
and take the necessary steps to follow 
through. With desire and determination, you 
can reach your full potential.

You are encouraged to investigate anything 
that helps your conscious awareness and 
enhances your self esteem. It may be a book, 
CD, online seminar, workshop, health 
program, yoga practice, or meditation. It 
may be working with an energy worker, 
therapist or life coach. Whatever suits 
your needs. A step in this direction, 
regardless of what it is, will set you up
for life.
In order to improve your current situation, 
you are being asked to adjust to and 
harmonize with the natural rhythm and 
cycles of your life. Cycles that are 
leading you toward a time of significant 
growth and improvement. 

As you improve yourself, you improve your 
quality of life. As you raise your 
awareness, you align yourself with Source. 
This is all you need to make your dreams 
come true.

* As I improve myself, I improve 
the circumstances of my life.

Healing With the Color Lavender

The Major Arcana Temperance typically
shows the figure of a guardian angel 
who protects us and keeps us on an even 

This is a wonderful message for July 15 
people, and they should heed it. Those 
born on July 15 should especially avoid 
all forms of egotistical excess, and 
cultivate their innate ability to heal 
themselves. Seen positively, temperance 
modifies passions in order to allow for 
new truths to be learned and incorporated 
into one's life.
There are many scriptures about angels 
in the Bible. I have listed two here to 
start the meditation

Hebrews 13:2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to 
strangers, for thereby some have 
entertained angels unawares.

Exodus 3:2

And the angel of the Lord appeared to 
him in a flame of fire out of the midst 
of a bush. He looked, and behold, the 
bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.
The energies of the Temperance Tarot
manifests in Camellia.

Focus on the present moment brings
balance to opposing forces. Give every
task before you the gift of your full
attention. Stillness reveals the middle
way. The tea ceremony is an act of 

The tea plant is rich in antioxidants 
and strengthens the heart. Preparing
a pot of tea with intention cultivates
harmony and promotes well-being. The
ritual becomes the holy alchemy that 
affects change. There is magic in the
mundane; ordinary tea bags stop minor
bleeding, soothe sunburns, and reduce
eye inflammation.

Camellia is the oldest, most widely
used botanical in history. Let ancient
practices inspire fresh ideas.

The god of the Bible, mainly of the Old Testament, is the first sinner and an enslaver. His sin is declaring himself the Most High God who is in need of worship. He is a god spark like the rest of us)

He is a deceiver. In reality all mankind is god for we all are god sparks, meaning we are parts of the One who is more than a God. This is the Divinity within us. We have to go within to know this Divinity

The true all encompassing One does not need worship. Requiring worship from mankind, the god spark of the One, is insanity. What is required from all god sparks is accurate knowledge.

The truly Highest One is more than a god. The One is male/female mind, a light body that cannot fully be physically embodied. Therefore the One could not walk about in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 8: 8-10

8 “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

9 But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”

10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

The scripture at Psalm 82:1 says, “They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. “I said, `You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.” We are easily misled because of our ignorance of our divinity.

A man and a woman are human beings before they incarnate on the earth. Your body does not make you human. You are a human, a god, when you animate the body you will be born with.

A human being is a god being in a corruptible body.

The god of the Bible says, I Am, That I Am. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14. But, this is not unusual so are the rest of us. 

The god of the Bible is delusional in that he would need to have others worship him. The One, the Divine which all light beings have within them, does not need our worship. The all Encompassing One is not lacking anything. Nor does the Divine need to punish us for being ignorant.

Being ignorant is what the god of the Bible needs of us because otherwise he cannot bully us. Therefore having knowledge of who we are, to this god, is a sin. As proven by what happened in the story of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, which this imposter says is the first sin. The greatest sin to this god is that you know you are also a god.

The way to acknowledge the god spark within is to understand that we all are, I Am, That I Am, and come into the sanity of reality. Affirmations and meditations are a crucial way to acknowledge and connect with our own god spark, our divinity.

Boss Jesus


Choose an affirmation and repeat several times daily, or during meditation.

  • There is always untapped potential and today I am tuning in to mine.
  • I choose to live my full potential and have an amazing day.
  • I see the potential in others, and they see the potential in me.


Close your eyes and get comfortable. Take several deep breaths and notice how each breath starts small and then fill your lungs. See yourself walking into a beautiful garden. There is a tiny seed emerging from the ground. Become aware of its potential. Smile and tell it, “You can become anything you want.” Then watch it slowly grow larger, see the sun shining on it and giving it strength.

Watch it open up into a small flower. Leaves grow from the stem. The flower brightens in color then becomes larger and more detailed and beautiful. Feel amazement at this process and watch it become the most beautiful flower in the garden. See its beauty and magnificence radiating outward and shining on all the other plants. See it shine on you in thanks for the encouragement you gave it. When you open your eyes, know that there is potential in all things, including yourself, and in the right environment with the right support, full potential can be realized.

Sacral Chakra: Church of Smyrna

Church of Smyrna: Revelation 2:8-11
Mini Meditation: Focus on 
lower abdomen, pelvis area
Sit in a comfortable position that will 
allow you to remain alert and then 
focus your concentration on this 
exercise. Close your eyes and prepare 
for the meditation. Feel the muscles in 
your body softening and relaxing.

Think of a bright orange light in your
sacral chakra area.
Bring your awareness to your breathing 
until you feel calm and relaxed. 
Imagine a large book in front of you,  
radiating light. It contains
unlimited insight and ideas to
help you in all areas of your life

Think of a question or issue of
significance to you, and
imagine how you will feel when you
gain clarity about it. Focus on
those feelings. Ask the book your
question, or for general insight,
and wait for it to flip open to
a page by itself. In your mind's 
eye, look at the page. What do
you see? An image? Words? Or do
you get a feeling? Thank the
book for its help and slowly
open your eyes.


Alchemist Iris

Alchemist Iris is a minister, Reiki master, and hypnotherapist who has studied the Bible for many years with many differing opinions in many churches. She is also a researcher who is interested in people and how the Bible can best be used to help people to be spiritually the best versions of themselves. Her interest in fashion and interior design are also useful in helping others present to the world the vision that best defines them.

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