Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Child of Darkness, His Angels, and His Mother Wisdom created the Earth and All That is Upon and Immediately Around it. This site is about an In-Depth Study of That and Its Relevance to All of Us

Inner Bible Alchemy

Solar Plexus Chakra

Radiant Illumination: The Solar Plexus Representing Fire Signs Leo, Aries and Sagittarius


The Solar Plexus Chakra is the radiant center of our being. It holds the vibrant spark that brings our passions to life. Enter this space to step away from playing small, unworthiness, the idea that you are taking up space and insecurity – based competitiveness.

Allow yourself to be attuned to the abundant life force that resides within this center and be energized, motivated, fueled with inspiration, enthused and clear-minded, so you can bring forth more of yourself and what you wish to birth in the world.

As you discover a deep and real sense of self-empowerment, you can more confidently lift others in celebration, harmonizing differences and shifting hierarchical paradigms into collective co-creation

Meditation on the Solar Plexus Chakra

Sit in a comfortable position that will allow you to remain alert and then focus your concentration on this exercise. Close your eyes and prepare for the meditation.

  • As you bring yourself into the present moment, check the mind and body for things you have carried throughout the day – perhaps things that have been going on recently or thoughts from the events of the day.
  • Whatever the thoughts and feelings are, simply acknowledge them and allow them to be, without any analysis or judgement.
  • Bring awareness to your breathing. Just breathe naturally and normally, without trying to control it; being mindful of the breath rising and falling as you inhale and exhale. As you breathe in focus on breathing in and then as you breathe out, focus on breathing out. Simply concentrate on the breath, breathing in and breathing out.
  • Now gently shift your focus from the breath and bring it to sensations on the body. Observe and acknowledge the myriad of sensations flowing through the body as they change with each moment.
  • If you find areas of tightness and tension with your body check try to allow them to soften and relax. Focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra which is located at your navel.
  • One of the best things you can do to bring something into your life is to be already thankful for it – as if it already happened. See your chakra healed and thriving and it will be. Ask it if there is anything you need to do to help it heal. When you are ready open your eyes.

Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

Remember that you are a powerful being who can connect with potent life-force energy as and when you need it. Be aware of what fuels your fire and consider circumstances where you had you power taken away. Imagine all the fragments of your energy that you have given away at some point and bring them all back to the center of your being

Personal power, independence, self-discipline, confidence, assertiveness, decision-making, belief, intellectual abilities, expression of will, bringing ideas into reality


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